Get the family together and enjoy these fall-inspired pumpkin pancakes on a cool autumn day. Don't forget to add the nutmeg spiced whipped coconut cream!

Fall-Inspired Pumpkin Pancakes

Are you a morning person? I am definitely not a morning person, but the one thing I do love in the morning is having a big family breakfast. Sharing a yummy meal together starts off your day in a way that no other meal compares! Sure, family dinners are important family bonding time, but sometimes a family dinner is just …

It's apple harvesting season, and I will show you how to make your very own pectin from apple scraps (so perfect if you're already baking with apples!).

How to Make Pectin from Apple Scraps

I’ve seen a lot of hate on for pectin from scratch foodies and organivores because they think pectin is an unnatural product. This is absolutely not true. Pectin is a polysaccharide and water-soluble fiber that is part of plants’ cell walls. It occurs naturally in many fruits, especially apples and citrus. Extracted pectin is used as a thickening agent in …

A little reminder to those who feel like they are just a mom; give yourself a little more credit. You are doing the most important job in the world!

Hi, I’m Just a Mom

It’s easy to feel like being a mom is not a job or not “good enough.” For some reason, it’s also easy to feel ashamed to tell people you stay home with your child(ren) when they ask you what you do. It often seems unimportant, and just a part of life. You may have desires of changing the world and …

Don't know what to do with all those apples? Try these easy oven-dried apple chips with 5 different ways to flavor them -- from sweet to savory!

How to Make Oven-Dried Apple Chips (Seasoned 5 Different Ways)

I love apples because they’re one of the quintessential fruits of fall that gently transitions us from the fresh tastes of summer to the hearty flavors of winter. Eating seasonally is so wonderful because it’s one way to naturally help our bodies realign. Have you ever noticed yourself feeling a bit “off” when the seasons change? I’ve felt it ever …

Clover Earth Footwear are the perfect mom shoe. They're comfortable enough to wear all day long while you are out and about with the family & they're cute!

The Clover Earth Shoe: A Perfect Mom Shoe

I have a confession to make…I am addicted to shoes. And not in a “oh that’s cute” kind of way… more like a “it’s almost a real problem” kind of way. I can’t help it. I am a woman who loves shoes. I also look at shoes as quite possibly the best accessory to an outfit, so having many different …

Raising meat chickens is easier than you think. Need a little more convincing? Here are 10 reasons to raise meat chickens in your backyard!

Top 10 Reasons to Raise Meat Chickens

Have you ever considered raising your own meat right in your backyard? Chickens are a great place to start and are a natural transition for someone who is already raising a backyard flock. Raising meat chickens is easier than you might think and the benefits range from knowing you are getting humanely raised meat to feeling a connection with your …

A twist on the classic version of pumpkin pie. This dairy-free pumpkin pie is made with a pecan-coconut crust and fresh, pureed pumpkin.

Pecan-Coconut Crusted Dairy-Free Pumpkin Pie

Tis the season for pumpkins, apples, and pie everything! Mmmm pie. My favorites include cherry pie and a good pumpkin pie with the perfect amount of spices. It’s a shame that pie’s only make their debut for the holidays but I guess that makes pie lovin’ peeps like you and I appreciate a good pie. Like this pecan-coconut crusted dairy-free …

Upcyled Glass Jar Centerpieces

Upcycled Jar Centerpiece

I am so excited for the upcoming holiday. It’s Thanksgiving! There are so many things to be thankful and grateful for not just on Thanksgiving but everyday. To make our first Thanksgiving with our son, Ryan in our new home special, I wanted to create something that will mark the event. When I found out that my friend Reena of …

Here are 5 Halloween inspired crafts and activities that are completely toddler friendly. Just make sure you have everything you need when you start -- toddlers are known to be impatient!

5 Halloween Inspired Crafts and Activities to do with Your Toddler

Holidays were always fun as a kid, and it’s quite possible you thought that the holiday’s couldn’t get any more fun. That is, until you grew up and had kids of your own. As a parent, I literally can’t wait for the holidays to come around. Being able to relive the discoveries, excitement, and joy that comes from your child …

Fermented probiotic-rich tea, or kombucha, is one great way to add probiotics to your body in a real food way. Here's a great apple spiced kombucha recipe.

Spiced Apple Kombucha

Every time I mention Kombucha to anyone unfamiliar with it, they get a half confused/half alarmed look on their face and ask as calmly as possible, “What is that?” Well, no need to be alarmed folks. Its tea. Probiotic tea. Probiotics have been receiving a lot of press lately in regards to their role in maintaining a healthy immune system, …