Get yourself a from scratch laundry room with our 5 simple DIY tips (reduce toxins on your skin, in the air, and in the environment)!- Scratch Mommy

5 Ways to Have a From Scratch Laundry Room

This post might seem intimidating or even not worth while for some of you, but let me assure you, having a from scratch laundry room is not that hard and definitely has it’s benefits! Fact: The very first steps I took in the natural-from-scratch world were in the laundry room. It all started with my second born. He had eczema since birth …

Beautiful dried easy way to preserve your herbs for use when you have no fresh herbs. Come learn our tips for preserving herbs on Scratch Mommy!

How to Store Herbs for Potency and Longevity

Herbs are some of the easiest things to preserve. Seriously! Listen…if you want to get the most flavor out of your herbs, both from your garden OR if you bought them, there are a few simple steps you need to follow for maximum potency and longevity. Follow the tips below and always have well-preserved, fresh herbs on hand when you are working …

Borax in skincare...let us help you understand the truth about using borax in skincare products- Scratch Mommy

The Truth About Borax In Skincare

Borax and skincare can be a controversial (and sometimes confusing) topic. The truth about borax in skincare is certainly something I’ve tried to understand for a long time. As I began investigating borax, it became clear that many differing opinions exist regarding its safety. Today I’d like to share my findings with you and explain the conclusion I have reached concerning …

Beautiful, easy, probiotic rich fermented pickles!- Scratch Mommy

Easy Fermented Pickles

So, what’s the Big Deal with Fermentation? I’m sure at this point in your life you’ve heard of fermentation, like these easy fermented pickles. It’s all the rage in the “health” food world *real* food world. The funny thing is, fermentation has been around (literally!) for centuries. In fact, if you eat sauerkraut, drink wine, or enjoy yogurt—you already know …

‘Fix Pretty Much Anything’ Salve – A Healing DIY Salve

Hello friends! Today I am sharing a crafty concoction that is utilized quite frequently in our home and will likely be a nice addition to yours, too. Today I bring you an easy to create, very powerful ‘fix pretty much anything’ salve. “Dramatic much?” Maybe, but, really…it’s true. You know how *real* food foodies kind-of laugh about saying, “Ah, just …

Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide {Book Review}

Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs {Book Review}

As an herbalist, I absolutely adore reading all about herbal medicine and plants. And as a bookworm, I love whenever I can get my hands on an honest to goodness, crisp pages, colorful pictures, real life herb book. That’s why I was so excited to take a look at Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs, A Beginnner’s Guide. My first introduction to …

Calendula-Hula-Who!??? And why YOU should know.

Calendula-Hula-Who!?? (and why YOU should know)

Well, it looks as though old Punxsutawney Phil got it wrong this year. Where I’m located, I think that we are in for a late start to spring. Bummer. On a positive note, this gives me more time to get my garden seeds started inside, seeing as how I waited until today to place my order. Oops. I’ve been putting a …

…but what if my breasts don’t work?

That got your attention, didn’t it? Today’s post is one that some people may not agree with, but it’s something that’s been on my mind lately. If I get it off of my chest, maybe it won’t be so heavy.

Ditch the toxic store-bought stuff! This DIY herbal baby oil is infused with skin nourishing oils like lavender and calendula to help keep baby’s skin soft and kissable.

DIY Herbal Baby Oil

Nothing can compare to that exhilarating feeling of holding a fresh faced, silken skinned newborn. I know that I didn’t think twice when the hospital staff bathed my baby in Johnson’s baby wash and shampoo, finished off with lotion and baby oil. I cringe now, knowing what’s really in that stuff (including cancer causing toxic chemicals). So what’s the alternative? …