60 Posts In 60 Days!

These People Are CRAZY (or are they)…

Hello friends!

So, I have taken on a challenge put forth by the blogging network to which I belong (Village Green Network). The challenge went out a week ago or so and when I first saw it I thought, “Yeah right. That is crazy talk! NO WAY could I accept that challenge because I don’t think that I could actually complete it.

The challenge is to write 60 blog posts in 60 days.

Fast forward a couple of days…I keep reading notes from my fellow bloggers that they are accepting this challenge. What!??? Just HOW could they commit to this and think that they could actually do it!? They are all just as busy (some are much more busy) than me. Hmmm…

I couldn’t quit thinking about it. What could I write about on a daily basis for 60 days!? I started making a list in my head. Slowly, that list starting becoming real as I put pen to paper. I finally told my husband about the challenge last night. He said, “Okay…well, do it.” Really!?? He thinks that I can do it? I mean, he’s been one of my biggest cheerleaders on my Scratch Mommy journeys (remember this post?), so if he thinks I can do it, maybe I can. Late last night I decided that yes…I, too, can do this. I am officially “in.”

What Will I Write About!???

If you’ve been following my blog for a while now, you know that I have a tendency to get a bit windy from time-to-time. I know that I will not be able to do that if I’m writing a post everyday for 60 days. I mean…the kitchen won’t clean itself and the last time I checked it wasn’t making food for my little family, either. I have my home, wife, and mother responsibilities (not to mention running my skincare business). I’ve decided that I will mainly write quick, brief posts about various topics, such as…

  • Quick, simple recipes– I make a lot of things in my kitchen and don’t write about many of them because I think that they are not worthy of blogging, but I may be selling myself short. I am going to share some of these with you over the next 60 days.
  • Green ideas– There are tons of green ideas floating around my head, with some of them being implemented in my home on a daily basis. I should quickly share these with all of you.
  • DIY– Eek…I’ve been meaning to write up more of my DIY projects. I know that you will love a lot of these easy to implement projects. It’s high time I share with you.
  • Inspiration– I love sharing inspirational things with folks and love them being shared with me. I will be sharing many inspirational, healthy, *real* things over the next 60 days. I hope you’ll share with me, too!
  • Gardening– Again, if you’ve been following my blog for a while now, you know that I am all about the gardening. I can’t wait to share how my gardens are coming along and swap tips and tricks for the gardens with all of you.
  • Etc etc etc– I have a few other things up my sleeves that I am excited about. Stay tuned!

I’ve only been blogging since January 26, 2013…not even four months. I have loved everyday of it. It has been amazing to create a community with so many like-minded individuals. It’s nice to know that I’m in good company. It’s a great outlet for me, too. Being a SAHM is a wonderful opportunity, for which I am eternally grateful, but I can only take so much babble and Sprout in my day. 😉

I am quickly approaching 1,000 Facebook “likes” on my Scratch Mommy Facebook page. Wow, I didn’t think I’d clear that until closer to a year! This fact alone has prompted me to create a couple of goals for this (crazy!) 60 Posts in 60 Days Challenge…

  • Surpass 3,000 Facebook “likes.”
  • At least double my blog subscriber list…if you haven’t signed up already, please do! You can find the sign-up on my blog and you’ll receive my posts directly in your email inbox (PS – I often share deals from my skincare shop directly to my blog subscribers, so you don’t want to miss those).

Alright, this post has been windy enough. 😉 Will you join me on my journey??? I’d love to have your support and I’d really, really LOVE to have your input!!!

Please, tell me below what YOU would like to see me cover in the next 60 days!!!

I am very open to your opinions and writing about many things…green-living, recipes, DIY, tips/tricks/tools for living a more healthy life, etc.

Until next time…

Jess, aka Scratch Mommy

Comments 2

  1. You will do GREAT, and I LOVE seeing/reading/hearing what you are up to. 🙂 Keep up the good work, Kindred Soul. I can’t wait to see what you will post. 🙂

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